Board of Directors
Stevens Point Area Co-op Board of Directors meetings are held every fourth Tuesday at 5:30 pm, upstairs at the Co-op. Board meeting agendas will be linked below, sent via email, and posted in the Storefront of the Co-op.
All members are welcome to attend, and may add items to the agenda. Meeting agendas are posted one week prior to the meeting. Agendas and Minutes can be found below the following section.
MEET THE BOArd Members
From left to right:
Dwayne Long: Chair; Meg Laubauch: Vice Chair; Logan Brice: Treasurer; Steve Dix: Secretary
Ish Odogba; Trevor Roark; Andrea Olson; Jeff Alboreo Andrew Breitenstein: Communications Representative,
John Pearson: Physical Management Representative; Jessica Lawson: Numbers Management Representative;
Andrew Breitenstein: Communication Management Represenative; Kami Albright-Loomis: We the People Rep.
Agendas and Minutes
2025 Board Agendas
2025 Approved Board Minutes
Interest in Becoming A Board Member?
Below is some information that will guide you to such opportunity!
BOD Elections
A ballot election is held every May. To run for a Board position, candidates must be a current member of the Stevens Point Area Co-op and attend one BOD meeting prior to election. Candidates must submit a short biography when nominations are open. More information is available on the website, social media and email.
BOD Duties
Serve a three-year term, at a minimum participation of 3 hours a month. Here you will participate in monthly meetings, and serve on at least one management circles. Click on the button below for additional information on what is to be a Board of Director.
BOD Benefits
Taking an active role in your Co-op, a complimentary membership for your term with a 20% discount, and expanding your personal and professional skills.
the Management Circles
The Stevens Point Area Co-op’s management circles use a collaborative model to facilitate the main areas of our Co-op’s management: financials, product movement, human resources, internal/external communication, and facilities.
The circles engage staff, Board, and members in management tasks and decisions, using the expertise of all circle members to create a more open flow of communication, collaboration, and sense of purpose at the Stevens Point Area Co-op itself.
How to be Involved
First off, all members are invited and encouraged to attend the Management Circle and Committee Meetings. If you have interest in attending a meeting or receiving a copy of the next meeting agenda, feel free to reach out to the circle via the emails below.
About Each Circle
We the People Circle :: send interest and/or applications to
We the People meets every first Tuesday at 12:00 pm
Numbers Circle :: send interest and/or applications to
Numbers meets every third Thursday at 4:00 pm
Movement Circle :: send interest and/or applications to
Movement meets the first and third Thursday at 2:00 pm
Physical Circle :: send interest and/or applications to
Physical meets every third Monday at 4:00 pm of every other month.
Communications Circle :: send interest and/or applications to
Communications meets every second Thursday at 5:30 pm